Robust Theme
Dec 09, 2019 2020-04-08 7:40Robust Theme
Comparison of the cost and therapy time commitments of stuttering treatments
When your child starts stuttering, it can be a very stressful and confusing time. Seeking help and knowing when to get started with therapy is a crucial step in supporting your child to overcome this problem. The next step is finding out the cost...
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Debunking 6 common myths about stuttering
Stuttering is a problem that can be very frustrating and distressing for both the child who stutters, as well as their parents who don’t how best to support them. To make matters worse, there are many myths about stuttering, and so much...
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3 factors that make Dr Kerianne Druker's stuttering treatment so successful!
When your child starts stuttering, it is really important to get treatment as soon as possible. The type of treatment you get is equally as important, because you want to give your child the best chance of overcoming their stuttering...
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My child has started to stutter. When should I seek help?
When a child starts to stutter, one of the first questions that pops into a parent’s mind is: When do I start treating it!? This video blog answers that question for you, and its key points are summarised below: The recommendation several...
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6 ways a child's stuttering can affect their academic achievement
When a child starts to stutter, parents often feel anxious and overwhelmed about how best to treat the problem. They also often consider the possible long terms impacts of stuttering for their children. As such, one of the most common questions I...
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3 popular stuttering treatment tips to watch out for
Successful stuttering treatment is so important because the longer your child continues to stutter, the more difficult it can be to treat. This article will cover three popular stuttering treatment techniques that could potentially be setting your...
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Predicting the length and effectiveness of stuttering treatment – A Research Update
When children start stuttering, parents often feel overwhelmed and uncertain about what to do. The most recent evidence highlights how important it is to treat stuttering as soon as possible, to maximise the chance of overcoming this problem....
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How Stuttering Treatment Works
When you notice your child begins to stutter, often the first thing parents are desperate to find out is how to help their child with this problem. These days, children who stutter are very fortunate - as there are treatments that exist that...
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Link between stuttering and behaviour
As a parent, it can be really stressful when your child starts to stutter. Parents often feel helpless and uncertain about what the best course of action is to take to help their child. It can be equally distressing when parents feel they...
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Will my child’s stutter go away on its own?
Naturally, parents want to help their children through any problem they are facing. Watching a child suddenly have trouble talking and telling you their thoughts and feelings can be very distressing for a parent, and parents instinctively want to...
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