Robust Theme
Dec 09, 2019 2020-04-08 7:40Robust Theme
Is it ever too late to get help for my child's stutter?
What is stuttering? Stuttering is a speech disorder that causes disruption to the flow of fluent speech. People who stutter know exactly what they want to say, but get stuck getting their words out. Stuttering can result in sound or word...
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Why should I act fast if I think my child has started to stutter?
You think your child has started to stutter. Acting fast with the appropriate next steps is the best thing to do. Download the Stuttering Checklist to learn exactly what these next steps are to give your child the best chance of overcoming their...
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What should I do if I think my child has started to stutter?
As parents, there are so many things we naturally worry about when it comes to our children’s development - speech and communication skills can definitely be high up there! This is because it’s so important for a child to communicate...
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3 ways speech therapy can help school-age children who stutter
Children typically start stuttering between 2.5 to 3.5 years of age. The gold standard recommendation is to get help for stuttering as soon as it starts. This is because we don’t know which children may “recover”, and we also...
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4 reasons why parents should be present in speech therapy sessions
When parents make the decision to see a speech therapist or speech pathologist, it can be a little confusing about what to expect. Some parents find it surprising when I explain that I would like them to attend all assessment and therapy sessions...
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3 signs to watch out for to decide if your child needs a Speech Pathologist
There are so many things to think about as a parent, that we are often left doubting ourselves by the million little decisions we have to make every day. Some decisions are menial and some are very important that could possibly have significant...
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Four sobering truths about school-age children who stutter
Stuttering typically starts in the pre-school years – between 2 and 4 years of age. In some cases, however, stuttering only starts or becomes noticeable later on in childhood or early adolescence. There is so much conflicting...
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Link Between Speech Clarity and Literacy
One of the most common communication problems that paediatric speech pathologists work with are “speech sound” delays and disorders, as 10-15% of pre-schoolers have speech sound errors. As expected, speech sound errors affect a...
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What is Speech? What is Language? Are they the same thing?
When talking to parents, teachers, other allied health professionals, specialist doctors and even first year university students studying Speech Pathology – the concepts of “speech” and “language” are often used...
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Four unique factors to consider for articulation (pronunciation and talking) therapy
Having relatively “intelligible” or clear speech is so important for children to make friends, interact successfully with teachers or less familiar adults, and continue developing their independence as they feel confident communicating...
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